Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Okay, Johanna, this is for you.

Today I threw away some home made peanut brittle my boss regifted me with. It was ... interesting. Not what one looks for in peanut brittle.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 27

While planting in the front yard and on the front porch, got rid of a bunch of plastic pots.

Who knows, maybe someday the front porch will look welcoming instead of messy.

Day 26

Old stained lace tablecloth that doesn't actually fit any tables.

Also found out that the Night Auditor had taken all the games from the back porch to Goodwill. Yay, Night Auditor!

Day 25

Found the easy bake oven in a cupboard and tossed it on the back porch with the metal thing-maker molds. Some plastic part stuck in the cupboard, so it'll have to go when I've got time to pry it off.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

day 24

One sweater purchased for use in a skit but too ugly for white elephant gift exchanges

day 23

The Night Auditor got involved, so boy oh boy did we toss stuff!

The 4-Her hid Highschoolgeekgirl's new refrigerator magnets so despair and ill will abounded...

After cleaning out two bookshelves (total removed: 5 books-on-tape and several books), the squirrel was not found. But the bookshelves looked sooooo much better!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 22

Wish I could get rid of the cat in my lap...she's 17 years old, blind in one eye, mostly deaf and seems to miss the litterbox about as often as she hits it. But at least she's warm...

So, if I can't get rid of the cat, what should I get rid of? Maybe I'll find a video.
Let's say I got rid of a video today, and I'll make sure it's the truth. Once the cat's off my lap.